Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Death Becomes Her

A few months ago I posted a question on my facebook page. "What sorts of workshops and classes would folks in the Pagan community like to see that are not already being presented?" Well, there was one answer that came up over and over again, death and dying.

As our Elders are becoming elderly, there is a need arising for some serious information to be gathered and distributed to our community on the subject of death and dying. We need to look at how we are going to help our friends and loved ones, our coven mates and tribe mates not only to "cross" but to deal with the "crossings" of those around them.

First off, let me say that I hate the term "crossing".  I think this stems from Catholic school and Episcopal Church. We crossed ourselves all the time. It was expected. When entering the church, when sliding into the pew, when approaching the kneeling rail at the altar. On and on with the crossing.  There is also the association with cursing someone. We cross them, or uncross them, depending on which side of the spiritual street we are working.

I prefer the term "slipping the coil".  That really is a better term anyway, unless you walk a Greek path and must deal with the Ferry Man and crossing the river Styx. After all, we are tightly bound up in our flesh, this mortal coil, until we find a way to slip it, to shed it.  In this vein, my book on the subject of death and dying as a Pagan will be titled "Slipping the Coil".

Some of the topics I plan to deal with are; prayers for the dying, using healing energy to ease passage, opening the Western gate, and aid from the ancestors.  I also want to deal with getting ready, not only for the one slipping the coil, but for the ones left behind. We have all seen the books on planning for death and mourning, and sadly they are very Christocentric.  I want to help change that.

I am putting this out here, to give folks the opportunity to have a voice here. What have you had issues with in your experience as a survivor? What challenges have your Pagan friends and family had when they were planning for their own death or the death of a loved one? 

I do not want this to be a book about what I will do. I want this to be the book that the community needs. Speak up folks, you have a voice.


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